In order to earn and use bonus points from your purchases, you need to be a member of our site. With every purchase, you earn bonus points worth 5% of the amount you spend. You can get discounts on your orders by using these points in your next purchases. However, only the points you earn are valid for 3 months, you can use them within this period.
You can use your points for your purchases of a minimum of 500 lira. In this way, you will be able to use your points for big purchases and make extra savings.
How does it work?
- For every purchase made, 5% of the shopping amount will be returned to you as a bonus.
- The bonus points earned from each purchase have a usage period of 3 months. At the end of this period, the validity of the earned bonus expires.
- Earned bonuses can be used above the minimum basket amount of 500 lira.
- In case of order cancellation and return:
- In shopping payments made with bonus discount; In case of cancellation or refund of the entire order, the entire bonus spent will be refunded. Likewise, the bonus earned from this purchase is also withdrawn.
- In case of a partial refund, a refund is made by calculating the bonus spent regarding the returned product and its amount, and the earned bonus is taken back by calculating it on the unit price of the product.
- If the order is canceled after the bonus usage period, unfortunately your bonus balance will not increase due to the expiration of the bonus earning period.